Sunday, July 21, 2013
I first met Don sometime in the 1980's. I am a Dental Hygienist and had a new job and he was one of my patients. I remember him as being one of my favorite patients--in fact he was probably my most favorite one. There were two reasons for this. First, Don had very nice teeth that were always smiling and very well cared for! And second, Don was a genuinely nice, sweet, kind and friendly person. I was always glad to see his name on the appointment book because it meant a very pleasant hour during the day for me.
I met Brenda, I think, sometime in the late 1980's. We were both in Discovery Bible Study and she was my small group leader a few times. I remember her talking about taking trips with her husband. I DID NOT make the connection that her husband was Don!! I think they went to Panama (or somewhere like that) and she brought back little souvenirs for each of us in the small group. I became friends with Brenda through the Bible Study and the Chapel Hill Bible Church
One evening I went to a baby shower at Brenda's house for someone in our small group. I was admiring her neat and pretty home and stuck my head back into the den where her husband (and I think a cat) were watching television. To my surprise--IT WAS DON!!! I was pretty much saying "What are YOU doing here?" and then everything sort of clicked for me! I finally made the connection! Two of my most favorite people were married to each other!
I am so happy to have known Don! I am sorry that I did not know about his military career because I would have loved to talk with him about it.
My prayers are for all the loved ones and friends Don left behind. I pray for God's special comfort for each of you. Kathy Sturdevant